
Cool Edit Image images

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Check out these edit image images:

els ports lligats de flickr (una proposta creativa ,et comvido a editar-la ,deixa aqui el teu treball com un comentari ) - the ports lligats of flickr ( a creative proposal, I invite you to edit,less your work as a comment)
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Image by Jordi@photos
Hermitage / Pat Metheny

intentare desde aqui comvidar a qui vulgui a editar a la seva manera l´imatge.En duarja va aceptar desseguida la proposta i va fer mes bonica la fotografia,la va transformar,ara aquella es seva,recreant-la amb l´ediciĆ³ a fet el miracle de una altre lectura.
Aqui podeu veure el seu magnific treball
Gracies altre cop Albert "duarja" per l´amistat,l´art i l´alquimia.
Si voleu intentar-ho,jogar quan tingueu temps,si creieu que podeu fer d´aquesta una nova imatge amb una ediciĆ³ personal i creativa i entre tots poguer ilustrar amb imatges les infinites possibilitats despres del clic,us deixo el linck perque pogueu treballar-la amb un tamany mes idoni.( flickr.com/gp/raigverd/rrSF7x )

in english aprox,my poor english ( i´m sorry)
try from here invite who wants to edit the image in its own way. duarja Immediately accept the proposal and was made more beautiful photography, transformed, now that is her, recreating it,and with the miracle of his edition done to another reading.
Here you can see the magnificent work
Thanks again Albert "duarja" for friendship, art ,and alchemy.
If you try, to play when you have time, if you think you can do with your personal and creative edition a new image ,if you think that´s possible working together and being able to illustrate the infinite possibilities pictures after the shot, I leave the link with a more suitable size. ( flickr.com/gp/raigverd/rrSF7x )

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Image by Dhammika Heenpella / Images of Sri Lanka
Ramboda waterfall
