
Cigüeñuela tratando de apartar a un caballo de su nido - black-winged stilt trying to separate a horse of their nest

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Cigüeñuela tratando de apartar a un caballo de su nido - black-winged stilt trying to separate a horse of their nest
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Image by ferran pestaña
Large size: www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=1497210523&size=l

El caballo estaba pastando cerca de un nido de cigüeñuelas. El macho voló cerca del caballo, se fingió herido y revoloteó delante de su hocico, provocandole, para que variara su trayectoria. En este caso, el caballo no era uno de sus predadores, pero todo y así logró distraer su atención.

The horse was pasturing near a black-winged stilt nest. The male flew near the horse, wounded pretended to be and it flew about before his muzzle, provoking him, so that it varied his trajectory. In this case, the horse was not one of his predators, but everything and it was able this way to distract his attention.

Nakayan's tilt-shift Yokohama-the soccer field-箱庭 サッカーグラウンド-872e16c8
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Image by pinboke_planet
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Canon EOS 5D MarkⅡ:Canon TS-E 90mm F2.8

Nakayan says: (Nakayan is the nickname of Koji Nakaya)
This is the soccer ground seen from the observatory in Landmark Tower Yokohama.
How is the performance of the miniature fake photograph which I took after a long time?
(translation by "livedoor translate")

Nakayan's site Super-high-rise apartments and super-high-rise buildings (in Japanese) is here

Nakayan's tilt-shift-fake (Hakoniwa photos) datail and slideshow is here

Tilt Shift Showcase from Koji Nakaya

Nakayan's 3D anaglyph(for slideshow) is here

Nakayan's New Book!!
超高層ビビル 3 ドバイ編 (Skyscrapers Vol 3) by Koji Nakaya

