
Nice Change Background Image photos

Large Rectangle

A few nice change background image images I found:

Chromazones, try 1b
change background image
Image by ☣ cUKi
A first attempt at building a Chromazones swatches table - I don't call this a success, but it points out a few interesting things ("Chromazones"!? Well, here's an explanation, straight from the source - watch the video excerpt).

The Lee gels used are listed below. For each colour, I've measured the base exposure in reflective mode, then bracketed the aperture all the way, then adjusted the flash power, took another base measurement then bracketed the aperture the other way. Lots of exposures:

First row, no gel
716 Mikkel Blue
128 Bright Pink
089 Moss Green
104 Deep Amber
025 Sunset Red
201 Full CTB
244 Full Plus Green
204 Full CTO

#1: My exposures were not accurate enough, even if I used a flash meter. One problem is the meter has a 0.1 stops precision while the camera can be adjusted only in 1/3 stops increments, so I had to randomly round some values. Even at a glance, swatches on a column don't seem to have the same luminosity, even if they're supposed to. Or maybe my camera's response curve was automatically adjusted at some point (RAW developer?), I'll have to try and control it better.

Another problem is that shooting handheld and not having a very uniform coverage of the target means that the averaged values can be randomly skewed by the wrinkles on the cloth and the light's falloff. For a better test, the camera and target should both be fixed, and the illumination soft and from the camera's axis.

#2: It was a surprise how small the difference between full stops can be (but see #1).

#3: It was not such a surprise how saturated the colours can get at their specific exposure (way out of CMYK gamut, for instance) on a simple white nylon screen. Collins was right, they can get scary. The colours can then get much less saturated only a couple of stops away.

#4: There are not just one colour gradients, the hues change as the exposure varies, and that becomes obvious when the channels start to get clipped (below -3Ev and above +2Ev). I think that's OK, the purpose of this table is to provide a realistic representation of the effects of changing the exposure, not just a colour gradient. On the other hand, I'm not sure if clipped exposures belong in this table.

#5: Because of #3 and #4, the results of altering the exposure are not intuitive, so building and referring to such a table is definitely worthwhile.

#6: After uploading to Flickr, I can't see the first column anymore, colours got darker and have lost some of their saturation.

This image is "commentware". If for some reason you decide to download it and use it, you're welcome to, but please do also leave a comment here. The image is meant as a visual reference only, and it's obviously inaccurate, so please don't calibrate anything on it.

Beaucoup de kilomètres, 0 photos / A lot of miles, 0 pictures
change background image
Image by meantux
Mais il restait dans la caméra cette photo d'écureuil prise hier à la maison, je vous écris d'un hotel en Pensylvannie, je viens de me faire changer de chambre parce qu'il y avait de la merde puante qui sortait du drain du bain.

But there was this picture of a squirrel taken yesterday at home in the camera, I am writing you from an hotel in Pennsylvania, I just had my room changed because there was a lot of dirty and smelly shit coming out of the bath drain (pardon my french).

Fonds d'écrans / Desktop wallpapers:
Format 16:10 / Widescreen:
Format 16:9 / Widescreen:
480x272(Sony PSP)

Depuis janvier 2005 à tous les jours j'ai rajouté une image de fond d'écran (chacune en plusieurs formats). Toutes ces images sont disponibles gratuitement, aucun besoin de s'enregistrer à l'adresse suivante: www.deniscarl.com

Every day since January 2005 I added a picture and converted it to multiple Desktop wallpapers formats. All those pictures are available for free, no hassle, no need to register at the following address: www.deniscarl.com
