
✿ Wildflowers ✿

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A few nice nature image images I found:

✿ Wildflowers ✿
nature image
Image by Viola & Cats / Sorry absent (broken pc)
Do not use my images without my permission .
Non utilizzare le mie immagini senza il mio consenso .


Parenting In Action
nature image
Image by Bill Gracey
In this image the parent Barn Owl has just dropped off food to the young Barn Owl on top of the owl box on our property. The young owl hasn't been fed in at least fifteen hours and it's been screeching for food impatiently every since it came outside about twenty minutes earlier. The owls only come out and hunt (or wait for a delivery) after the sun has set.

Strobist info: Here's the description of the setup that I use for photographing the Barn Owls, and the owl house.The owl house is on top of a fifteen foot pole, which is about two feet in the ground, so the bottom of owl house is about thirteen feet off of the ground. I have one tall light stand on either side of the owl house, extended as high as they will go, and a third shorter light stand in the middle. The one on the left is lower because it is positioned on a slope that goes down from the house. The light stand in the middle is a shorter stand than the others, but it is extended as high as it will go. The flash on the left is a YN560, the middle flash is a Strobie 130 and the flash on the right is a YN560-II. All thee strobes are in manual mode set at 1/2 power. The middle and right flash are triggered by a Yongnuo RF-603 and the left flash is in slave mode and is triggered by the light from the other two flashes. I have a Yongnuo RF-603-N trigger on my camera which is triggered by an identical trigger that I have in my hand while sitting in a chair off camera. The Yongnuo triggers can act as either transmitter or receiver. The great thing about these triggers is that they are reliable, and are about for a pair of them on Amazon. Wonderful technology at an amazing price. They're cheap, they work and they have a range of 15 meters.

Pictures that I've taken of the Barn Owls can be seen in my Barn Owls set. www.flickr.com/photos/9422878@N08/sets/72157630045851110/

graffiti in bynum, nc near the old mill and old one-lane bridge
nature image
Image by Keith Weston
i document what I see. This image is not intended to offend, etc.
Near the Haw River in Chatham County, Bynum, NC USA
