
Cool Change Background Image images

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Check out these change background image images:

Kris Kros in Action!
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Image by Stuck in Customs
I had a great afternoon with Kris Kros (Joe)! We've known one another for years, and, like so many people, I've always admired his work. He's one of many of you cool photographers here on Flickr that inspires me to change and experiment. I was just as impressed with his person as his photography.

I had a few spare hours on Saturday, so I contacted Joe that morning to see if he had some spare time, and, luckily, so did he! We started out by planning to go around LA shooting, but I think we spent about 75% of the time sitting around cafes while discussing photography, art, techniques, and a bunch of other adventures!

My Tutorial is right here - I have over 16,500 unread emails - sorry but I am too swamped - but most of you ask for that tutorial, so there it is! :)

Her Evening Elegance
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Image by Stuck in Customs
A Texas sunset settled on the farm as we patiently waited for the sky to repaint itself every few minutes.

It was a very relaxing hour, watching the sun slowly descend through the clouds, interrupted on occasion by a stressful swapping of lenses. I hate to get dust in the chamber, so the changing of lenses is always a high-anxiety event! But the anxiety faded away pretty quick as we started watching the sunset again.

My friend Leslie had invited me out to her parent's farm near Brady. She's an actress, a model, a photographer, and a bunch of other creative things... so I had told her I would spend equal amounts of time shooting the farm, her animals, and her. It's the old 33/33/33 rule of farm-shooting. Anyway, I am sure some of you would rather see photos of her... and still others of her animals... but I can't make everyone happy at once, so you'll just have to wait a few weeks for me to sprinkle those in! Until then, I hope you enjoy the sunset.

Updates may be slow in coming days... I'll be spending about two weeks on an adventure in Patagonia... keep your eye on www.stuckincustoms.com for the latest! :)

Thanks everyone for your comments! :) I read them all!

Cream and Yellow Lacey Background 12.1
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Image by ♥ Crystal Writer ♥
I really like these that capture the frosting near enough to the yellow flowers to change the tone of the whole picture, but without actually capturing the flowers in the image.
