
Nice Image Websites photos

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A few nice image websites images I found:

image websites
Image by Stuck in Customs
So is it a weed or is it a flower? I am sure people in the plant-community get as exercised discussing these categorizations as I do about talking about categorizing photography. You would not believe the millions of words and sentences wasted discussing photography and how to categorize one type of photo. I can only assume the same thing happens in the flower/botany community!

I got this one with my friend Scott Kublin one day in the south of France. We had Fabien (the website designer) pull over on a tiny little road so we could pop out and get some sunflower photos. I think he almost got rear-ended while waiting on us, so he had to pull away then circle back to get us! On the second drive-by, he started honking so we had to run and dive into the car like it was an action movie.

- Trey Ratcliff

Read more at the blog at www.stuckincustoms.com.

image websites
Image by Captain Kimo

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Exploring the Church
image websites
Image by Stuck in Customs
I like all the colorful votives. They make everything a bit more festive.... Cathedrals can be sort of melancholy places, so anything to liven things up a bit are a nice change of pace. I'm not saying we should go neon-signs or blinky-text on the church's website or anything crazy like that.... just a little somethin-somethin to spice things up a bit.

And I do like that hallway quite a lot... it's got a nice M.C.Escher quality to it.

- Trey Ratcliff

Read more here at the Stuck in Customs blog.
