
Saturn's Mysterious Hexagon

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Some cool nature image images:

Saturn's Mysterious Hexagon
nature image
Image by Lights In The Dark
Encircling Saturn's north pole is a narrow channel of 300-plus mph winds that's maintained a hexagonal shape over time. Astronomers aren't exactly sure what causes this phenomenon but it may be a natural occurrence based on the physics of a rapidly moving atmosphere.

UPDATE: geometric shapes associated with large areas of powerful winds are not only found on Saturn...even on Earth hurricanes can exhibit some interesting formations. Read more on The Planetary Society's blog: www.planetary.org/blog/article/00002563/

This image was taken by the Cassini spacecraft in February 2009 as Saturn was moving toward its spring equinox and its north pole was getting more and more illumination by the sun. (I colored the original black and white image using a color palette taken from other true-color calibrated images of Saturn.) The top half of the image is the rest of Saturn's north pole, hidden in winter shadow.

In addition to part of the hexagon many other smaller storms and eddies can be seen in Saturn's dynamic atmosphere.

Read more about this image here: lightsinthedark.wordpress.com/2009/10/25/litd-highlight-w...

Image credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute. (Edited by J. Major.)

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Image by ~Brenda-Starr~
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Trees thanks to Giovanni neri
