
Frank McCourt 2007 by David Shankbone

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Frank McCourt 2007 by David Shankbone
photo stock images
Image by david_shankbone
Dead people I photographed: Francis "Frank" McCourt (August 19, 1930 – July 19, 2009) was an Irish-American teacher and Pulitzer Prize–winning writer, best known as the author of Angela's Ashes, an award-winning, tragicomic memoir of the misery and squalor of his childhood.

This image is licensed creative commons and may be reproduced with attribution to David Shankbone and a link to Shankbone.org. To learn more about the image and the event, click here to read the photographer's blog post. It includes a memorial to McCourt, who died Sunday, July 19, 2009.

This photo is included in my '100 People I Photographed for the Creative Commons' set of my favorites shots out of the thousands of people I have photographed.

(About David Shankbone)
