Some cool photo services images:
A Huge Toolbox
Image by cogdogblog
Flickr has become popular for numerous reasons, one of them being that they provide appropriate interfaces to 3rd party developers to create unique web tools and software applications that can access, retrieve, use the photo data and images stored in flickr. This has created an explosion of interesting (and strange) flickr add-ons.
These three sites above are a good place to start exoloration:
* Flickr Services contains not only information for developers wishing to use the "APIs" that make this possible, there is also an extensive gallery of examples of what people have created based on the flickr architecture.
* FlickrBits is another collection of tools.
* The Great Flickr Tool Collection
Some of my favorites include:
* Mappr map photos by geographic location
* Clockr It's Flickr Time Digital clock with digits from flickr images
* Flickr Graph
* Flickr Vancouver aerial map
* Flickr Album create a flip photo album
* Spell with Flickr (see example elsewhere in this presentation)
* FlickrPapr make wallpaper images from smaller images
* Tag Related Browser explore the relationship between images
* Color Fields Colr Pickr
* delivr create a digital postcard from flickr images
* bickr
* flickr tag fight
* Flickr Backup download your entire flickr collection for backup purposes
* FlickrStorm a different tool for searching
* Delivr send a digital postcard based on flickr images
* Mastercards with Flickr creates a Concentration like game using flickr images
* montager - creates a montage based on many smaller flickr images -- see my dog examples.
return to cool flickr stuff
This is but one piece of "I Didn't Know You Could Do That with Free Web Tools", a presentation for the 2006 K-12 Online Conference. Other pieces are scattered across the web!
Dr. Richard Sorge, Ekaterina Sorge, Milton Malz, Kamal Adwan
Image by nilsknoblich
Secret Services - Who is Who (2009)
Dr. Richard Sorge
der dt. Kommunist arbeitete ab 1924 verdeckt für den russ. Militärnachrichtendienst GRU / übermittelte Stalin den geplanten Zeitpunkt der Invasion von Hitlers Truppen - Stalin glaubte ihm nicht / der hochgebildete Frauenheld wurde 1944, von Moskau verstoßen, in Japan gehängt / wurde 1964 posthum Held der Sowjetunion.
Ekaterina Sorge
Richard Sorges zweite Ehefrau / wurde 1942 in Moskau verhaftet / nach 9 Monaten Einzelhaft im Geheimpolizei-Hauptquartier Lubjanka in ein Straflager verschleppt, wo sie 1943 starb.
Milton Maltz
der Millionär aus Cleveland war gelegentlich für den „geheimsten aller US-Geheimdienste“ die NSA tätig / eröffnete 2002 das Spy Museum in Washington DC, nur 6 Blocks entfernt vom Weißen Haus.
Kamal Adwan
einer der PLO-Drahtzieher des Olympia-Attentats in München 1972 / wurde 1973 im Auftrag des israelischen Nachrichtendienstes Mossad in der Operation Frühling der Jugend gezielt getötet / hielt sich in der libanesischen Hauptstadt Beirut auf, dem zu der Zeit weltweiten Agentenzentrum.
Sorry, there's no translation yet. Any volunteers?
Exhibited at rotopol gallery, Kassel / Germany