
"Beautiful Beasts" Exhibit at the Sam Noble Museum

Large Rectangle

A few nice image gallery images I found:

"Beautiful Beasts" Exhibit at the Sam Noble Museum
image gallery
Image by Thomas Shahan
(Image Courtesy SNOMNH)

The Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History and I recently organized an exhibit called "Beautiful Beasts: The Unseen life of Oklahoma Spiders and Insects" which features several large-scale prints of my macrophotographs. The exhibit layout and printing turned out fantastic and I am immensely proud of everyone who helped put it together.

The museum is located in Norman, Oklahoma and the exhibit runs until September 8th, 2013. Also worth noting - my girlfriend, Kathleen Neeley did several illustrations (many of salticids!) for the didactic panels in this exhibit - more information on her illustration/artwork can be found here: www.kinkprints.com

The exhibit is definitely worth visiting if just for the giant inflatable Phidippus mystaceus!


In other big news: I will be once again co-instructing Bugshot, a macro-photography workshop with Alex Wild, John Abbott, and Piotr Naskrecki - this time in BELIZE! More information can be found here and here.

Exposición Porno Tapados de Paloma Blanco en Duduá
image gallery
Image by Alícia
Enero 2009 - Exposición Porno Tapados de Paloma Blanco en Duduá:

Paloma Blanco pinta sobre imágenes de revistas pornográficas cambiando las situaciones sexuales por otras escenas cotidianas como cocinar, comer, ver la tele, cantar, bailar, leer, hacer deporte, etc. Pero conservando las mismas caras de éxtasis de las fotografías originales y los mismos textos eróticos que las acompañaban.

En el 2006 la editorial vasca Belleza Infinita ( www.bellezainfinita.org ) publicó un libro con toda la obra utilizando el mismo formato, papel y encuadernación que las revistas pornográficas.

En esta exposición se podrán ver obras del libro y obra nueva inédita.

Inaiguración el viernes 9 de enero a las 20h en Duduá c/Rosic 6 Barcelona ( www.duduadudua.com , duduadudua.blogspot.com ).

+ info: www.bellezainfinita.org/publicaciones_13.html

Expo porno tapados en facebook.


January 2009 - Porno Tapados by Paloma Blanco at Duduá.

The artist Paloma Blanco has painted over images from pornografic magazines, changing the sexual situations for other every day scenes such as cooking, eating, watching TV, singing, dancing, doing sports, etc. The artwork was published by Belleza Infinita ( www.bellezainfinita.org ) in 2006 and now is showing old and new pieces at Duduá (c/Rosic 6 Barcelona, Spain www.duduadudua.com , duduadudua.blogspot.com)

Opening 9th January starting at 8pm.

+ info: www.bellezainfinita.org/publicaciones_13.html

And Sew to Bed poster
image gallery
Image by craftivist collective
image used for advertising and recruiting for the event
