
Nice Upload Photo photos

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Check out these upload photo images:

Yellow and Red Blossoms (reedited)
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Image by peptic_ulcer
I uploaded this photo a couple days ago, but took it down because I decided that the shadows were too harsh against the black background. So I reedited it to soften the shadows and highlights, and have now reposted it.

This is a stalk of yellow and red blossoms that were in my front yard last spring. I don't know what plant this is.

Lizzie Dripping dancing at Robin Hood's Bay, North Yorkshire
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Image by Earthwatcher
Originally uploaded for the GWUK group.
Photo replaced by uncropped version with pub signs revealed.

See where this picture was taken. [?]

Have a look at the Lizzie Dripping website here:

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Image by Voxphoto
Mostly uploaded as an excuse to use a pun I hadn't thought of last time.

This time there is no mystery though: The fire hydrant had sprung a leak, and for at least a month it was sending a rivulet of water down Huron St. The city finally got around to digging up the sidewalk and fixing it.
