
Cool Upload Photos images

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Check out these upload photos images:

Longish Hair: 2009-2010
upload photos
Image by Julia L. Kay
Uploaded for the Portrait Party.

March 15th will be the third and final anniversary of my Daily Portrait Project, in which I've made a non-photographic self-portrait every day and posted it on the web. To celebrate I'm throwing a Portrait Party - instead of drawing myself I'm going to draw other artists.

If you'd like to be one of the artists I draw, please join this group & start a discussion thread with some photos of yourself: www.flickr.com/groups/portraitparty/ I hope to draw at least the first 30 artists to post photos.

It would be great if you also want to draw me and/or the other artists who have posted photos of themselves, but its not required. However, although I'm not actually starting on this project for another couple days many of the other artists have already gone gang-busters. It's a load of fun, so check it out!

Well, for three years I've taken pictures of myself to draw from on at least a weekly basis- so here's a few more for the party.

These were all taken with the video cam in my computer so the resolution isn't that great but they're pretty sharp. Some with my absolute favorite hat, and some with no hat.
