
Cool Picture images

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Some cool picture images:

Metro leaving
Image by AV Dezign
Pictures of the moments around Montreal - Guy Metro Station

Life Size Figurine In Display Window AND Spooky Clown Ghost Who Showed Up For the Picture!
Image by Sister72
Took This Picture While Driving in Front of Corbo's Restaurant Supply Company on Main Street in Asbury Park, NJ

When I took the picture, there was NO spooky clown in the window.

Upon downloading the pictures, the spooky clown was staring at me and my hair stood on end!

The actual picture without the clown trying to sneak in where he doesn't belong: www.flickr.com/photos/sis/16814183/

Cote Vertu Station
Image by AV Dezign
Pictures of the moments around Montreal - Cote Vertu Metro Station
