
Small round braided rug

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Small round braided rug
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Image by Martin LaBar
This rug was made by my 97-year old mother. It was designed to be a chair cover. It was woven from strips of cloth, cut from discarded coats, with the strips folded double and sewed together. She developed the technique of weaving these strips into a flat braid, beginning from the center and working out, and of interweaving the braid so that the rug does not come apart. She uses a braid woven of six strips. If you look carefully along the edge of the rug, you can count the six strips, of different colors (there are two off-white strips).

The previous photo in our photostream illustrates an interwoven rug in progress.

She also makes wheel rugs. See other rugs in this set for examples of both types.

More detail at the larger sizes.

Added later: My mother passed away in 2009, at the age of 99.

4 Thanksgiving Turkeys by Mother and Son!
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Image by cobalt123
This was a total thrill for me. I cooked this turkey (bottom left corner) per my son's directions. He cooked the other three at his mother-in-law's home where we all met for Thanksgiving dinner this year. Since my oldest son is a gourmet chef (and an executive manager as well) I was happy to have this opportunity to to have HIS guidance, ha ha!

I used to be a "brown paper bag" person for roasting my turkeys, since I wanted to make sure they stayed juicy. But I'm sold on his method. He slathers his turkey with a mix of softened butter mixed with mayonaise and you roast it uncovered. The picture at the top left is his smoked turkey, freshly drained from the brine. The turkey at the top right is being checked for a perfect temperature before he decided this one and the one below it were done.

If you really like to see cooking photos, you may enjoy seeing the original size version uploaded. There are notes added to this image, for those who really want details. And yes, it was a very happy Thanksgiving for our family this year!
