

Large Rectangle

Some cool image source images:

image source
Image by gcoldironjr2003
Businesswoman in conference room --- Image by © Image Source/Corbis

Raiding party waiting for the word to go
image source
Image by National Library of Scotland
This 'all action' photograph is thought to be the work of John Warwick Brooke. This image lacks the organisation and sanitisation of most other propaganda photographs, suggesting that it may not have been staged.

Captain S.J. Worsley, described his experience of raiding during the Delville Wood Campaign, 'It was soon apparent that something very unpleasant was about to happen, so we stood to arms, groused a good deal, and waited. The waiting was always the hardest part of it all. The hours till 6 a.m. seemed terribly long.'

[Original reads: 'OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN OF THE BRITISH WESTERN FRONT. A raiding party waiting for the word to go.']


cloud forest, Sandakan
image source
Image by angela7dreams
Deramakot, sustainable logging, Sabah, Malaysia (FSC certified)

File size :698.4KB(715201Bytes)
Date taken :0000/00/00 00:00:00
Image size :1600 x 1200
Resolution :300 x 300 dpi
Photo by Angela Sevin, Oakland, CA USA
